Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Closing the Book on Chicago

The end is near.  As I sit among boxes, packing tape, and a stack of important papers that can't be lost in the ruckus, I am reminded of a sobering fact:  My days in Chicago are numbered.

Moving across state lines is not a new experience for me.  The product of divorced parents who happen to live in different states, I've been down this road before.  First in childhood, then in adolescence, then for college, and finally for the biggest trek of all, out to Chicago. Despite my experience with it, moving has always been tough for me.  Perhaps it's because my first interstate move, as a child, was a forced move that I had no control in or say over.  Perhaps it's because I tend to associate memories with places as well as with people.  Perhaps it's because the unknown is scary.  This time, I think it's because as much as I'm looking forward to what lies ahead, I feel so sad about the people I'm leaving behind.

To say that my time in Chicago has been a mixed bag would be a huge understatement. The last year and a half has been riddled with health issues, loneliness, the challenges of being in an unfamiliar environment, and familial upheaval.  And at the same time, I can honestly say that my time in Chicago has made my marriage stronger than ever before.  It's made me reevaluate, and in some cases change, my priorities and beliefs.  It's been fantastic for both my and Jeremy's careers.  Through my job, it's enabled me to travel to the most beautiful place I've ever seen.  And it's exposed me to a few truly amazing people, whom I can now call my friends.  The fact that I can look back on this period of my life and see such personal, professional, and marital growth means that no matter what else has happened, my time here has been a success.

It's been an adventure.  That's for sure.  I'm so glad for this experience, and I can't wait for what the future holds.  See ya on the other side.


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