
On Reviews:
Any and all reviews featured on this blog are my own opinions.  My opinions on everything are always 100% genuine.  I do not receive compensation of any kind (financial, product, or service) from any company or product mentioned in this blog, unless otherwise stated.  Furthermore, if I recommend a product, that's because it works for me.  It may not work for you.  Results on any makeup, skincare, bath and body item, and food may vary.  I am not liable for any problems that may arise from you trying out any product which has been reviewed on this blog.  If you break out, have a rash, have an allergic reaction, etc., I am not liable.  Please use all items reviewed on this site with caution and safety in mind.

On Outside Inspirations  
I give credit to any bloggers whose recipes or DIY tutorials inspire my posts.  Please extend the same courtesy and respect when you are inspired by something on my blog.  (If I have used outside inspiration, credit back to the original source.)  Hooray for playing nice in the sandbox.

Unless otherwise stated or linked, all photographs are copyrighted property of WellDoneLiving and cannot be used without my express permission.  If I accidentally use a photograph or GIF that is not properly backlinked to the source (by clicking on the image), kindly let me know so that I may give credit where credit is due!

In General
This is a personal blog written and edited by me.  I appreciate you stopping by to see what I have to say.  I am always open to my readers' comments and feedback.  I simply ask that any comments and interactions you have with me and this blog remain respectful.  Abusive commenters will be blocked.  Again, let's all try to play nice in the sandbox.

If you have any questions about something I've posted on my blog, please feel free to contact me - I'm happy to clarify or give you feedback!

Twitter: @WellD0neBeaty
Instagram: @WellDoneLiving

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