Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Eagle has Landed...In a Snowbank

Long time, no write.

To say that the past few weeks have been busy and stressful would be a major understatement.  I'm not going to lie, you come to expect that when a cross country move is on the horizon.  What I did not expect was to get to Boston and spend the better part of two weeks snowed in.

We officially moved to Boston on January 24th, and the drive out was uneventful.  We made pretty decent time, the cats meowed incessantly in rebellion, we ate a lot of fast food at truck stops, and we spent one harrowing night at a little hotel on the side of a highway that is the epitome of "place you go to get murdered."  Thank God Jeremy was with me!  No way I could stay there alone!

Once we got back, it was a lot of the usual.  Unpacking, trying desperately to get organized, dealing with two grouchy cats that softened up with copious amounts of treats and apologies, and getting prepared to work from home. 

And then came the snow.

Mountains upon mountains of snow.  And just when we'd finished shoveling out, and had one day of being able to leave the house, more would come.  Where we are, we've gotten around 5 feet (yes, FEET) of snow in the past 2 weeks.  It's been completely insane.  Is there any water left in the Atlantic?  Is this God's way of reenacting Noah's Arc except with snow?  I couldn't tell you.  What I can tell you is that it is a sad, SAD day when the weather in New England makes the weather in Chicago look enviable.

So, here we are.  Back in Boston and really looking forward to when we can leave our house every day for an entire week...after all, there is so much in this city that we miss and can't wait to revisit!

With the warmest thoughts (pun definitely intended),
